Kinmirai Happy End

Kinmirai Happy End (CYaRon)

released 2017.05.10
1300 yen+tax

This CD contains character songs and audio drama for Love Live! Sunshine!! (ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!).

The tracks are as follows.

  1. Kinmirai Happy End (近未来ハッピーエンド)
  2. Kaigandoori de Matteruyo (海岸通りで待ってるよ)
  3. Kinmirai Happy End (Off Vocal)
  4. Kaigandoori de Matteruyo (Off Vocal)
  5. [drama] レアな沼津をめしあがれ
Songs and drama by the Love Live Sunshine subgroup CYaRon, made up of Inami Anju (伊波杏樹), Saitou Shuka (斉藤朱夏), Furihata Ai (降幡愛).

This is the second single by CYaRon.

[Love Live! Sunshine!! CDs]
[Love Live! CDs]

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