Majiyaba Mousou Love

Majiyaba Mousou Love

released 2011.07.27
1890 yen

This CD contains the opening song to the TV anime R-15.

The tracks are as follows.

  1. Majiyaba Mousou Love (original version)
  2. Majiyaba Mousou Love (original karaoke)
  3. Majiyaba Mousou Love (instrument)
  4. Majiyaba Mousou ²µ
  5. [bonus track] Majiyaba Mousou Love (keitai ringtone)
Songs by R-15 Love, made up of the following seiyuu: Gouda Aya, Fukuhara Yurina, Kashiyama Nanami, Komatsu Mana, Tsumita Kayoko, Murakami Madoka, Murai Risako, Tsukimiya Midori.

The DVD contains the following.

  • non-credit version of the R-15 anime opening
  • promo video of "Majiyaba Mousou Love"
  • Ani Yume R-15 special edit part-1
The promo video of "Majiyaba Mousou Love" looks very cheaply done. It's basically the girl singing and dancing against a white background. There is just a little bit of the girls dancing in Shinjuku Chuuou Kouen, but not much. They should have used more of the outdoor video, since the "dance version" promo video has enough of the girls dancing on the white background.

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