Game Walker Net

Game Walker Net
main stage
14:00 - 14:30
Toyoshima Machiko (豊嶋真千子)
Don Maccau

The main stage had seats for around 400 people, and there was enough open space around it for people to stand and watch. One had to line up about 45 minute before the show.

This event flowed just like the radio show. It started with a funny skit between Toyoshima Machiko and Don Maccau. Machiko played an "idol", who just stood around looking cute and answering "hai" (yes) to everything. (^_^;)

They read letters just like on the radio, and those in the crowd who had their letters read were given a present.

The first guest was Mr. Kato, the editor of Game Walker. There will be a new magazine "Dreamcast Walker" coming out at the same time as the Dreamcast.

The next guest was the president of Game Arts. He announced that Grandia 2 will be coming out for the Dreamcast. They have been secretly developing it for around one year.

The last guest was the publicity man for Sega, and the talk was about the Dreamcast.

Then they read some more letters.

Also Machiko and Don had people do a "receding wave". Instead of the wave moving sideways, the wave moved backwards, away from the stage. So everyone stands up after the person in front of them stands up.

The crowd did this wave after Machiko said "unfunny" jokes, to represent the people backing away from her. (^_^;)

[Tokyo Game Show 1998 Autumn]

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2024-05-05 08:43:25 +0900