Nowanchatte Say You Public Recording

Event Nowanchatte Say You Public Recording
Location Shibuya Koukaidou
Date 1995 02.16
Time 18:30 - 20:30
Cost free (need postcard)
Guests Akahori Satoru
Mizutani Yuko (水谷優子)
Hayashibara Megumi (林原めぐみ)
Kouda Mariko (國府田マリ子)
Horiuchi Kenyuu
Hiramatsu Akiko (平松晶子)
Takahashi Miki (高橋美紀)
Imai Yuka (今井由香)
Okui Masami

On February 16, 1995, the first public recording of the radio program Nowanchatte Say You took place at the Shibuya Koukaidou. The Shibuya Koukaidou was a very large auditorum that seated over 2000 people.

In order to get into the event, one had to send in postcards. The "Manga no Mori" stores (which sponsor the radio show, and this event) had put stamps on the postcards if one bought over 1000 yen at their store, so almost everyone who wanted to go were able to.

My postcard was number 800, and there were around 2300 invited to the event. Fortunately I found a seat in the 11th row, on the left side. (^_^;)

The event flowed as follows.


Poririn and Kerorin came out and sat at a table. They started by reading some letters from listeners.

They read a lot of "batsu game" suggestions for Poririn. Yuko narrowed it down to four postcards, and they had the crowd choose. The winner was "Invite Poririn's wife (Kitagawa Miyuki) as a guest and have Poririn talk about his affairs".

Nowanchatte clinic

Poririn dressed as a doctor and Kerorin dressed as nurse came out onto the stage, where there was a desk and chairs for the Nowanchatte clinic. The first "patient" was Hayashibara Megumi.

Hayashibara Megumi

Megumi saw Kerorin in a nurse outfit and said that she would have lent her the real one that she had used before. When Poririn said he wanted it, Megumi said that she would charge him 150,000 yen per hour.

Some of the questions that I can remember were.

Q: What color are your panties?
Megumi: White.

Q: What pattern is your brassier?
Megumi: I don't remember.

Q: If Hiramatsu Akiko was going to marry what would you say?
Megumi: Omedetou.

Q: You say that if you don't marry this year, you wouldn't be able to marry for 12 years. Is this true?
Megumi: No. 60 years.

Q: When you went to a pet shop, Poririn was in a cage. Would you buy him?
Megumi: No.

After answering the questions, Megumi asked what she can get for this. Poririn said that he had invited Megumi over to his house last year, and she was pretty wild. He had the video tape.. (^_^;)

At the end Poririn gave Megumi some "medicine". It was in a large bag. When Megumi opened it, she took out a large candle. Then she asked, "Isn't there a whip?"

Then Megumi left, and the next patient was Kouda Mariko.

Kouda Mariko

When Mariko came out, she did the "Aikotoba ha? Bee!" Mariko asked if Poririn's radio program had an aikotoba [password]. Poririn said that they did, and said, "Chinpoko!" Mariko then pretended to leave, and walked off the stage. But she came back. Poririn said, "Everyone, this is called sexual harassment."

Then Kouda Mariko took out some pamphlets, and made some annoucements about the Marmalade Boy LD box and the Tekkaman Blade II CD singles.

Some of the question that I can remember were.

Q: What color are your panties?
Mariko: Flower design white lace.

Q: What was the biggest mistake you made while drinking?
Mariko: I fell alseep. I fall asleep right away when I drink. Yuko: Where?
Mariko: Where ever I drink. I knocked over a plate with soy sauce in it.

Q: Have you ever kissed a girl?
Mariko: I don't think so. But I have on the cheeks.

Q: When was the first time you gave a "real" valentines' chocolate?
Mariko: 2nd grade. A boy in the same class.

Q: What would you do if the chikan was a guy that you liked?
[chikan = molester, pervert]
Mariko: I'll kick him.

Q: S or M, which would you rather do?
Mariko: Eh! I would rather watch.

After the questions were over, Poririn asked about Mariko kissing girls. Mariko said that she shouted, "Okaasan, tadaima!" [very cute] and kissed her mother when she got home.

Poririn diagnosed Mariko and said that she had "haremono" [swelling].
Mariko asked, "My face?"
Poririn then said, "Your breasts."
Mariko said, "I don't think I've ever taken a bath with you."
Poririn said that he had seen the magazine Seiyuu Grand Prix, and saw Kouda Mariko's pinup. Poririn said and kept repeating, "Huge breasts!"
Mariko started to leave again, but nurse Yuko pulled her back. Then Mariko said, "Later I want to give delicious milk to my baby."

The medicine that Poririn gave Mariko was a whip. Then Poririn went down on his knees and asked Mariko to whip him. But Mariko just whipped the air by him..

After Mariko left, the patient was Takahashi Miki.

Takahashi Miki

Before Takahashi Miki came out, Kerorin said that she had brought the picture of Poririn and Miki. [They had talked about it during the 1995.01.08 broadcast.] She went down to front row, and showed the picture to some of the people.

Then Takahashi Miki came out. [She is VERY pretty.] Miki was wearing a long dress with a flower design. Poririn's attitude was very, very different. He was nice to her and talked politely.

Miki met Poririn for the first time in Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna. She said that she thought Poririn was a nice person. [The crowd couldn't believe it!]

Some of the questions that I remember were.

Q: What color are you panties?
Miki: Pink lace.

Q: What is the most embarrassing moment in your life?
Miki: In the subway, when I passed by one of those windy parts, my skirt got blown up.

Q: What would you like to be if you can be born again?
Miki: Koala.

Q: What part of your body do you think is the most ecchi?
Miki: Maybe my neckline.

Q: If Poririn was in your bed, what would you do?
Miki: I'll hug him.

Q: You have to pick up Poririn. What would you say?
Miki: Please give me some work.

After the questions were over, Poririn said that she knows what Miki's problem was. He said that she was in love with the guy in front of her, and then hugged her.


Okui Masami and two dancers came out to sing some songs. Masmi was wearing short, short, shorts. She sang "Energy" (a new song), "It's Destiny", and "Reincarnation" (from Tekkaman Blade II).

Between songs, Poririn and Kerorin came out and talked a little bit with Okui Masami. Masami will have her first CD coming out 4/21. She will also have her first live event 4/25.

Dice Talk

Hiramatsu Akiko, Hayashibara Megumi, Imai Yuka, and Horiuchi Ken'yuu came out as guests for the "dice talk" corner. (They roll a large dice and they talk about what was written on the dice.

When Imai Yuka, who was wearing short shorts, came out, Yuko commented that she had very long legs. Then Poririn kneed down to stare at Yuka's legs.

Hiramatsu Akiko

Akiko got "I can do this", and she talked about what she can do. Akiko said that she can burn some toast. But actually Megumi did most of the talking, as she explained that Akiko came over to her house and really burned some toast. Akiko had burned the toast because she just stared at the toast in the toaster as it was burning. Megumi also added that Akiko does cause a lot of other destruction whenever she comes over to her house.

Hayashibara Megumi

Megumi got "something that made me drool", and she talked about food. When she got back from her trip to Hokkaidou, all of the pictures were of her eating.

Imai Yuka

Yuka got "embarrassing but I can talk about it now".

When she was listening to the radio program when Megumi was the guest, she misheard one of the replies to a question. Megumi had said "kanbyou" [to nurse], but she heard it as "kanchou" [to give an enema].

Horiuchi Ken'yuu

Ken'yuu got "industry initial talk". He talked a little bit about Yamadera Kouichi, who became very happy when he got a cellular phone and called him.


They showed SM Girls Saber Marionette R act 1.

A very nice OAV! This will go on sale in May, and there are three parts planned.

It's not that ecchi.. The only slightly ecchi scene was when the sexadolls rescued Starface. Starface started caressing Brid's breasts, and Kyanny started playing with her own breasts.


There were signing sessions at various shops in March for people who buy Akahori Satoru books.


Poririn, Kerorin, Okui Masami, Hiramatsu Akiko, Hayashibara Megumi, Horiuchi Ken'yuu, Imai Yuka, and Takahashi Miki came out to draw postcards from a box.

Good Bye Message

On the stage from left to right, it was Takahashi Miki, Imai Yuka, Horiuchi Ken'yuu, Hayashibara Megumi, Hiramatsu Akiko, Okui Masami, Mizutani Yuko, and Akahori Satoru. They all said their good byes, and the curtain went down.

Masami said, "It was fun."

Akiko said, "How was the OAV? Did you like it? It's serious, and it's different from the radio drama. But we'll try our best. Thank you!"

Megumi said, "There are only two more blue seed after recordings left. I'll try my best. Also my CD Enfleurage will come out!"

Ken'yuu said, "Thank you very much."

Yuka said, "I'm still no good, but I'll try my best."

Miki said, "Thank you very much. I'm a big fan of Poririn, so I hope I can go on his radio program sometime. I'll also try hard in Yuna 2. Please cheer for me. Thank you very much."

Kerorin said, "I was worried if we would be able to fill this large Shibuya Koukaidou. Thank you."

Poririn said, "Sometimes I do finish my books. Some of them will come out in March. Thank you very much today."

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