Newtype 10th Anniversary Final Event

Newtype 10th Anniversary Final Event
Iino Hall (Hibiya)
11:00 - 15:30
Shiina Hekiru (椎名へきる)
Iwao Junko (岩男潤子)
Nagasawa Miki (長沢美樹)
Mitsuishi Kotono (三石琴乃)
Okazaki Takeshi (岡崎武士) [mangaka]
free (need postcard)

During the first couple weeks of March 1995, there was a series of events commemorating the 10th anniversary of Newtype. They had set up many displays of anime stuff in the Sony Building (in Ginza). There was even a corner where they gave away MDs which contained messages by various voice actresses. As part of this celebration, there was a special event on March 12 where they invited some voice actresses and other guests.

The event flowed as follows.

guest talk show 1 (Shiina Hekiru + others)

Shiina Hekiru was very cute. She was wearing a blue and white checkered one piece dress that went down to around her knees. She was wearing a white sweater over her dress. When she sat down on the chair, her knees were visible. (^_^;)

The other guest with Hekiru was Okazaki Takeshi. (The other scheduled guest Ohkawa Nanase could not make it.)

When Shiina Hekiru came out, everyone sang Happy Birthday, as it was her birthday.

They talked about Seirei Tsukai (Elementaler), which was the new anime by Okazaki Takeshi, with the lead voice by Shiina Hekiru. They also showed some clips of the OAV.

guest talk show 2 (Iwao Junko, Nagasawa Miki + others)

Iwao Junko was very cute.

When Junko came to Tokyo, she was surprised by the crowd of people at the Shibuya intersection, and felt exactly like Key in the OAV.

Junko liked Key a lot and had watched it over and over. She said that you can't fast forward over the OP, as it was part of the Key experience.

They showed some clips from Key. Then they also showed some slides of pictures of the Key characters. Junko even spoke some lines (as Key) when they showed a slide of Key at the Shibuya intersection.

Iwao Junko was very cute.

guest talk show 3 (Shiina Hekiru, Mitsuishi Kotono + others)

Shiina Hekiru had taken off her white sweater, and was just wearing her checked dress.

Mitsuishi Kotono was wearing a long auburn colored dress, and her hair was tied up. She looked very pretty.

Shiina Hekiru will have her first live tour this March and April. Those sold out immediately, so she will have some additional concerts in May.

Hekiru's picture collection book, Plume * Plume went on sale recently. They showed some slides of pictures from the photo session. These are the pictures that didn't make it into Plume * Plume . Most of the pictures were taken inside a house in Den'enchoufu. It was a real house that they borrowed for the photo session.

In the winter Shiina Hekiru wears many layers of clothes as she wasn't very strong against cold weather. She wears three layers of sox, so her shoe size is different in the winter and summer. Hekiru said that most of the recording studios are very hot, even in the winter.

Mitsuishi Kotono will have her essay collection book coming out at the end of March or the beginning of April. There will be pictures in this book, but not as much as a picture collection.

In the April issue of Newtype there is a bikini picture of Mitsuishi Kotono. When they asked her where she wanted to go (she was told she can go anywhere she wanted), Kotono said that she wanted to go swimming. She actually wanted to go play. So they went to the indoor pool in Yokohama. But when she got there, she discovered that she only had time for work and not for play. She didn't even get to swim.

El Hazard

El Hazard was very funny. There were a lot of lines by Inoue Kikuko. But the character designs were too simple, and they aren't cute.

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