Minebishi Ryouko Shinryoushitu Shucchou Clinic

Event Minebishi Ryouko Shinryoushitu Shucchou Clinic
Location Asobit City (Akihabara)
Date 2004 01.25
Time 17:00 - 17:45
Cost 2940 yen (cost of CD)
Guests Inoue Kikuko (井上喜久子)
Nagai Noa (永井乃愛)

This event was for those who bought the drama CD Minebishi Ryouko Shinryoushitu Shucchou Clinic at Asobit City.

The event itself was basically the same as the first event for this CD that took place at Ishimaru Soft One.

[event reports]
[Inoue Kikuko event reports]

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2024-05-17 11:03:15 +0900