Marmalade Boy seiyuu information

The following is the list of seiyuu for the major (and some minor) characters in the Marmalade Boy anime.

seiyuu character
Kouda Mariko (國府田マリ子) Koishikawa Miki
Yamazaki Wakana (山崎和佳奈) Akizuki Meiko
Okiayu Ryoutarou (置鮎龍太郎) Matsuura Yuu
Hisakawa Aya (久川綾) Suzuki Arimi
Kanemaru Junichi (金丸淳一) Suou Ginta
Ohta Shinichirou Miwa Satoshi
Furuya Tohru (古谷徹) Namura Shin'ichi
Tange Sakura (丹下桜) Sakuma Suzu
Ishida Akira (石田彰) Tsuchiya Kei
Inoue Kikuko (井上喜久子) Kitahara Anju

Other Marmalade Boy seiyuu information can be found in the seiyuu database WWW page .
A quick scan of the database is also available: Marmalade Boy anime .

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