Kamisama no Okurimono

神様の贈りもの (Goddess Family Club)

Pony Canyon PCCG-00246
3000 yen
released 1993.11.21

All songs on this CD are about love. The ordering of the songs are set so that it tells a story , and it's emotionally very draining..

The songs are sung with the girls' normal voices, not as the three goddesses. So the CD feels different from other Megami-sama CDs.

Songs by Inoue Kikuko (井上喜久子) , Touma Yumi (冬馬由美) , Hisakawa Aya (久川綾) .

The CD comes in a cardboard case that holds the CD jewel case and three little booklets.

The songs are as follows.

1: Kataomoi Shika Shirani Kuseni (片思いしか知らないくせに)
(lyrics by Hasegawa Sora, sung by Goddess Family Club, 4:47)
[The one sided love.]

A slow song. Good voices by all three.

(lyrics by Inoue Kikuko, sung by Inoue Kikuko, 4:41)
[Jealousy, as the boy she likes has a girl friend.]

A song with a very good beat. Great voice by Inoue Kikuko. According to the AnimeV booklet, Kikuko had a very tough time writing the lyrics to this song.

3: Senaka Awase no Tokimeki (背中あわせのときめき)
(lyrics by Touma Yumi, sung by Touma Yumi, 5:21)
[Confessing love, as she tells the boy she likes him.]

A slow, but bouncy, song. Lots of English. Nice background vocals by Inoue Kikuko and Hisakawa Aya. According to the AnimeV booklet, Yumi had a very tough time writing the lyrics to this song.

4: Pocket ni Kakushita Tebukuro (ポケットに隠した手ぶくろ)
(lyrics by Inoue Kikuko, sung by Inoue Kikuko, 4:26)
[Happy days, as she is going on a date with the boy.]

A VERY cute and happy song.

5: Cookie's Story
(lyrics by Hisakawa Aya, sung by Hisakawa Aya, 4:36)
[A small fight, and she's baking a cookie to apologize.]

This song is an acapella.

6: Kanashii Neiro no Orugooru (悲しい音色のオルゴール)
(lyrics by Hasegawa Sora, sung by Goddess Family Club, 5:14)
[Finding out about the other girl.]

A fast song with a good beat. Very cool sounding. Nice voices. This is the song that the Goddess Family Club sang in their event. The picture in Newtype, with the three of them wearing black outfits, was of them singing this song. The part "kanashii neiro no orugooru .." comes up three times, each one a solo by the girls.

7: Shiroi Yousei (白い妖精)
[Separating, as she's alone and very depressed.]
(lyrics by Touma Yumi, sung by Touma Yumi, 4:28)

A slow, sad song.

8: Mata Koi wo Shiyouyo (また恋をしようよ)
(lyrics by Hisakawa Aya, sung by Hisakawa Aya, 4:44)
[Recovering, as she rejects the boy and recovers her spirits.]

A lively song. Nice voice by Hisakawa Aya.

9: Kamisama no Okurimono (神さまの贈りもの)
(lyrics by Hasegawa Sora, sung by Goddess Family Club, 8:57)
[The forever love, as she finds the perfect person.]

A long song that starts slow, becomes fast, then becomes slow again. Great voices by all three. Great lyrics too. Some of the parts are the boy's lyrics and some are the girl's. The GFC sings them with slightly different voices. Very nice.

my ratings

It's so hard to rate the songs. There is no bad song.

The order for me was: 9, 6, 4, 2, 1, 8, 7, 3, 5. [on 1993.11.24]
Now, the order is: 6, 9, 4, 2, 1, 8, 3, 7, 5. [on 1994.02.02]
(4, 2, 1 are about the same.)

This ranking will probably change some more.. (^_^)

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