Yes! PreCure 5 seiyuu

The following is the list of seiyuu for the major (and some minor) characters in the Yes! PreCure 5 anime.

Sanpei Yuuko Yumehara Nozomi
Takeuchi Junko Natsuki Rin
Ise Mariya (伊瀬茉莉也) Kasugano Urara
Nagano Ai Akimoto Komachi
Maeda Ai (前田愛) Minazuki Karen
Kusao Takeshi (草尾毅) Coco
Irino Miyu Nuts

Other Yes! PreCure 5 seiyuu information can be found in the seiyuu database WWW page .
A quick scan of the database is also availble: Yes! PreCure 5 anime .

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