AX May 2001

AX Magazine May 2001
on sale 2001.04.10
880 yen

seiyuu information

The May 2001 issue of AX comes with a DVD, containing 75 minutes of movies. There are special news movies, anime and game movies, seiyuu topics movies, and drama and cinema movies.

In the special news section, there is a 9 minute movie by Kakazu Yumi teaching 3D CG.

In the seiyuu topics section, there is a 9 minute Hunter Hunter talk by Takeuchi Junko, Kaida Yuki, Gouda Hozumi, Mitsuhashi Kanako, Takahashi Hiroki. There is also a 1 minute talk by Kakazu Yumi, There are short movies of Kobayashi Yumiko, Takahashi Mikako, Fukui Yukari, Seki Tomokazu, Kiyasu Kouhei, Shishido Rumi, and Nara Saori.

In the anime and game section, there are many promo movies of various anime. There is also a 3 minute promo clip of the Dreamcast game "es". This is a live action game featuring Shaku Yumiko, Sakai Wakana, and many others.

In the drama and cinema section, there are promos of Ekoeko Azarak (featuring Katou Natsuki) and Christmas Eve (rated R-15).

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2024-05-19 13:14:38 +0900