Shounen Magazine 2022 vol 19

Shounen Magazine 2022 vol 19
2022.04.20 issue
on sale 2022.04.06
320 yen

There are two color articles featuring seiyuu in Shounen Magazine vol 19. There is one for Cuckoo no Iinazuke (カッコウの許嫁), and one for Kawaii dakejanai Shikimori-san (可愛いだけじゃない式守さん).

There is a two page color article on Cuckoo no Iinazuke, and there is a "happy birthday" message by Ishikawa Kaito and Kitou Akari (鬼頭明里) with small photos of the seiyuu.

The TV anime will begin on 4/23, and there will be a web broadcast on 4/6, Cuckoos no Iinazuke -Nagi to Erika no Tanjoukai-. The participating seiyuu will be Kaito, Akari, Touyama Nao, and Kohara Konomi.

There is a two page color article on Kawaii dakejanai Shikimori-san. The TV anime will start on 4/9, and there are comments by the main seiyuu, with small photos of each seiyuu.

character seiyuu
Shikimori-san Ohnishi Saori
Izumi-kun Umeda Shuuichirou
Nekozaki-san Matsuoka Misato
Hachimitsu-san Hidaka Rina
Inuzuka-kun Okamoto Nobuhiko

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2024-05-20 15:30:54 +0900