Kill Me no Baby!

Kill Me no Baby!

released 2012.01.18
999 yen

This CD contains the opening and ending songs for the TV anime Kill Me Baby (キルミーベイベー).

The tracks are as follows.

  1. Kill Me no Baby! (キルミーのベイベー)
  2. Futari no Kimochi no Honto no Himitsu (ふたりのきもちのほんとのひみつ)
  3. Kill Me no Baby! (karaoke)
  4. Futari no Kimochi no Honto no Himitsu (karaoke)
  5. Kill Me no Baby! no sarani Uzai yatsu
  6. Futari no Kimochi no Honto no Himitsu kossetsuhen
  7. [bonus track] CM fuu Short Konto
Songs by Akasaki Chinatsu (赤崎千夏) and Tamura Mutsumi.

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2024-05-04 22:08:31 +0900