Gohan dayo! Dadadadan!!

Gohan dayo! Dadadadan!!

released 2022.07.27
1300 yen+tax

This CD contains the ending song for the TV anime Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life (転生賢者の異世界ライフ) .

The tracks are as follows.

  1. ごはんだヨッ! ダダダダン!!
  2. のんびり異世界ライフ
  3. ごはんだヨッ! ダダダダン!! (TV Size)
  4. ごはんだヨッ! ダダダダン!! (Instrumental)
  5. のんびり異世界ライフ (Instrumental)
Songs by the seiyuu group Surachanzu (スラちゃんず△). The cast of Surachanzu is as follows.

character seiyuu
Sura Toono Hikaru
Surapacchi Kanno Mai
Mayusura Mikawa Haruna
Surahappa Kuon Erisa
Higesura Ohmori Nichika
Pekesura Hanai Miharu

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2024-05-03 16:04:00 +0900