Hikari no Hajimari

Hikari no Hajimari (Nanjou Yoshino)

released 2017.05.17
1800 yen+tax

This CD+DVD package contains the ending song to the TV anime Atom The Beginning.

The CD tracks are as follows.

  1. Hikari no Hajimari (光のはじまり)
  2. Shiroi Kisetsu no Yakusoku (白い季節の約束)
  3. Hikari no Hajimari (instrumental)
  4. Shiroi Kisetsu no Yakusoku (instrumental)
Songs by Nanjou Yoshino (南條愛乃) .
Yoshino wrote the lyrics to both songs.

The DVD contains around 11 minutes of video. There is a promo video of "Hikari no Hajimari", a non-credit version of the ending animation, and some making of video.

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2024-05-02 15:33:09 +0900