Kimi wo Sagashini

Kimi wo Sagashini (Nanjou Yoshino)

released 2015.06.10
1800 yen+tax

This CD+DVD package contains the second ending song to the TV anime Grisaia no Rakuen .

The CD tracks are as follows.

  1. Kimi wo Sagashini (きみを探しに)
  2. Sora Hoshi Hitotsu (そらほしひとつ)
  3. Kimi wo Sagashini (instrumental)
  4. Sora Hoshi Hitotsu (instrumental)
Songs by Nanjou Yoshino (南條愛乃) .
This is Yoshino's 4th solo single.

The DVD contains around 8 minutes of video. The video contains a promo video of "Kimi wo Sagashini", and a making of video.

Both the CD and DVD are picture discs with photos of Yoshino.

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2024-05-19 12:48:49 +0900