Munya Munya Gecchu Koifubuki

Munya Munya Gecchu Koifubuki

released 2018.02.14
1800 yen+tax

This CD contains character songs for the game GirlFriend (kari).

The tracks are as follows.

  1. むにゃむにゃゲッチュー恋吹雪!
  2. HAJIけてシナプス☆シナモンロール
  3. 進化系 Girl
  4. 楽しきトキメキ
  5. むにゃむにゃゲッチュー恋吹雪! -Instrumental-
  6. HAJIけてシナプス☆シナモンロール -Instrumental-
  7. 進化系 Girl -Instrumental-
  8. 楽しきトキメキ -Instrumental-
Songs by the Girl Fiend group Neuron Cream Soft (にゅーろん★くりぃむそふと) made up of Ogura Yui (小倉唯) , Suzaki Aya (洲崎綾) , Hayami Saori (早見沙織) , Gotou Saori, Igarashi Hiromi (五十嵐裕美) .

GirlFriend Character Song Series
[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07]

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2024-05-03 22:10:18 +0900