Nyanbory de Moffy

Nyanbory de Moffy (Dialogue+)

released 2023.06.21
2500 yen+tax

This CD+bluray contains the ending song for the TV anime Kawaisugi Crisis (カワイスギクライシス).

The CD tracks are as follows.

  1. にゃんぼりーdeモッフィー!!
  2. 来世なんて待ってらんない
  3. にゃんぼりーdeモッフィー!! (TV Size)
  4. にゃんぼりーdeモッフィー!! (Instrumental)
  5. 来世なんて待ってらんない (Instrumental)
Songs by the seiyuu group Dialogue+.
The members of Dialogue are Uchiyama Yurina, Hieda Nene (稗田寧々) , Moriya Kyouka, Ogata Yuuna, Takamura Ayaka, Miyahara Satsuki, Iizuka Mayu, Murakami Manatsu.
This is the 9th single by Dialogue+

The bluray contains a promo video, making video, and a "dance practice" documentary video for "Nyanbory de Moffy".

[Dialogue+ CDs]

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2024-05-02 04:55:50 +0900