Onnaji Kimochi

Onnaji Kimochi (Yasuno Kiyono)

released 2021.10.20
4000 yen+tax

This CD+bluray package contains the opening song for the TV anime Isekai Shokudou 2 (異世界食堂2).

The CD tracks are as follows.

  1. おんなじキモチ。
  2. Act 10 -Dear my Characters-
  3. おんなじキモチ。 -TV Size-
  4. Act 10 -Dear my Characters- -Instrumental-
  5. おんなじキモチ。 -Instrumental-
Songs by Yasuno Kiyono (安野希世乃) .

The bluray contains around 75 minutes of video of Kiyono's Acoustic Live on April 4, 2021.

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2024-05-02 22:58:28 +0900