
Rainbow (Touyama Nao)

released 2017.10.25
3800 yen+tax

This CD+bluray package contains the first album by Touyama Nao (東山奈央) .

The CD tracks are as follows.

  1. 君と僕のシンフォニー
  2. Day by Day
  3. グッバイ・アンブレラ
  4. オトメイロ
  5. 君の笑顔に恋してる
  6. ガラクタフルワールド
  7. StarLight
  8. My Way
  9. 星ノ標
  10. 月がきれい
  11. イマココ
  12. True Destiny
  13. Chain the world
  14. Rainbow
The bluray contains around 40 minutes of video
  1. True Destiny [music clip]
  2. Ima Koko [music clip]
  3. Tsugi ga Kirei [lyric clip]
  4. Kimi to Boku no Symphony [music clip]
  5. Rainbow [music clip]
  6. 1st Album "Rainbow" making movie

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2024-05-19 19:42:45 +0900