Riverside Lovers

Riverside Lovers (Uesaka Sumire)

released 2017.10.18
1800 yen+tax

This CD+DVD package contains the ending song to the TV anime Hoozuki no Reitetsu (鬼灯の冷徹) [second season] , and the opening song to the TV anime Urahara .

The CD tracks are as follows.

  1. Riverside Lovers (リバーサイド・ラヴァーズ)
  2. Anithesis Escape (アンチテーゼ・エスケイプ)
  3. Doushite! Louis-sensei (どうして! ルイ先生)
  4. Riverside Lovers (off vocal ver.)
  5. Anithesis Escape (off vocal ver.)
  6. Doushite! Louis-sensei (off vocal ver.)
Songs by Uesaka Sumire (上坂すみれ) .

The DVD contains around 5 minutes of video, and there is a promo video of "Riverside Lovers".

"Riverside Lovers" is the ending song to Hoozuki no Reitetsu, and "Antithesis Escape" is the opening song to Urahara.

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2024-05-19 18:51:10 +0900