Sakura Maichiru Yoruni

Sakura Maichiru Yoru ni (Kondou Reina)

released 2021.04.14
1900 yen+tax

This CD+DVD package contains the ending song for the TV anime Battle Athletess Daiundoukai ReStart .

The CD tracks are as follows.

  1. 桜舞い散る夜に
  2. Listen -真夜中の虹
  3. 桜舞い散る夜に (Instrumental)
  4. Listen -真夜中の虹 (Instrumental)
Songs by Kondou Reina (近藤玲奈) .
This is the first solo single by Reina.

The DVD contains a promo video of "Sakura Maichiru Yoruni", and some making of video.

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2024-05-19 15:49:24 +0900