Camus, Cecil

Uta no Prince-sama Debut Unit Drama CD Camus & Cecil

released 2011.10.26
2300 yen

This CD contains audio drama for the PSP game Uta no Prince-sama Debut (うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪Debut) .

The tracks are as follows.

  1. [song] NorthWind and SunShine
  2. audio drama 王子と伯爵
  3. audio drama ぬるめのミルクと甘いコーヒー
  4. audio drama 2人縄跳びと絆創膏
  5. NorthWind and SunShine (off vocal)
Songs and talk by Camus (Maeno Tomoaki), Aijima Cecil (Toriumi Kousuke).

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2024-05-02 11:34:59 +0900