THE IDOLM@STER Cinderella Master Cute Jewelries! 002

THE IDOLM@STER Cinderella Master Cute Jewelries! 002

released 2014.12.31
1944 yen+tax

This CD contains songs and talk for the on-line game THE IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls .

The tracks are as follows.

  1. パステルピンクな恋 [Kanako, Sachiko, Mayu, Chieri, Sae]
  2. Kiss して [Sachiko]
  3. 不思議なピーチパイ [Kanako]
  4. ハミングがきこえる [Chieri]
  5. また君に恋してる [Sae]
  6. 誰より好きなのに [Mayu]
  7. ゴキゲン Party Night [Kanako, Sachiko, Mayu, Chieri, Sae]
  8. bonus drama [Kanako, Sachiko, Mayu, Chieri, Sae]
  9. パステルピンクな恋 (original karaoke)
  10. ゴキゲン Party Night (original karaoke)
The cast for the songs and drama is as follows.

character seiyuu
Mimura Kanako Ohtsubo Yuka
Koshimizu Sachiko Taketatsu Ayana
Sakuma Mayu Makino Yui
Ogata Chieri Ohzora Naomi
Kobayakawa Sae Tachibana Rika

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2024-05-13 03:19:05 +0900