The IDOLM@STER The@ter Activities 01

The IDOLM@STER The@ter Activities 01

released 2016.09.07
1500 yen+tax

This CD contains songs and audio drama for the game The IDOLM@STER Million Live .

The tracks are as follows.

  1. [song] 創造は始まりの風を連れて
  2. [drama] リリィ・ナイトと天空の騎士団 Ep.1 旅立ち
  3. [drama] リリィ・ナイトと天空の騎士団 Ep.2 そして冒険へ
  4. [drama] リリィ・ナイトと天空の騎士団 Ep.3 死闘
  5. [drama] リリィ・ナイトと天空の騎士団 Ep.4 物語の続き
  6. [song] Diamond Days
The cast is as follows.

character seiyuu
Nanao Yuriko Itou Miku
Tenkuubashi Tomoka Koiwai Kotori
Hakozaki Serika Asakura Momo
Matsuda Arisa Murakawa Rie
Handa Roko Nakamura Atsuki

Both songs by all the cast members.

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seiyuu database links

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2024-05-01 16:38:11 +0900