Sugar Sweet Nightmare

Sugar Sweet Nightmare

released 2010.02.24
BD vol 5 (ANZX-9459)

This CD contains the fifth opening song to the TV anime Bakemonogatari. This CD comes with the Bakemonogatari Bluray Disc volume 5.

The tracks are as follows.

  1. sugar sweet nightmare
  2. sugar sweet nightmare -instrumental-
  3. Joshou (余章)
  4. Gaidan Kousetsu (街談巷説)
  5. Kannen (観念)
  6. Sensou (戦争)
  7. Jinchiku (人畜)
  8. Tawagoto (戯言)
  9. Haikyo (廃墟)
  10. Shugendou (修験道)
  11. Shin'iki (神域)
  12. Ika, Kaisou (以下、回想)
Songs by Horie Yui (堀江由衣) .

In addition to the song, there are 10 tracks of BGM.

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2024-05-20 20:54:07 +0900