Super Affection

Super Affection

released 2011.09.21
1200 yen

This CD contains the opening song to the OVA Carnival Phantasm (カーニバル・ファンタズム).

The tracks are as follows.

  1. Super Affection (すーぱー☆あふぇくしょん)
  2. Fly High -Tsubasa no Kioku- (ツバサノキオク)
  3. Super Affection (Off Vocal)
  4. Fly High -Tsubasa no Kioku- (Off Vocal)
Songs by Kuribayashi Minami (栗林みな実), Hashimoto Miyuki (橋本みゆき), Faylan (飛蘭), Misato Aki (美郷あき), yozuca, rino.

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2024-05-18 15:58:59 +0900