Jersey Bu Damashii

Jersey-Bu Damashii!

released 2012.08.15
1050 yen

This CD contains the ending song and insert song to the TV anime Rinne no Lagrange season 2 .

The tracks are as follows.

  1. Jersey-Bu Damashii!
  2. Jersey-Bu no Uta -Kanzenban-
  3. Jersey-Bu Damashii! (Original Karaoke)
  4. Jersey-Bu no Uta -Kanzenban- (Original Karaoke)
Songs by the group Kamojo Jersey Club, made up of Ishihara Kaori (石原夏織) , Seto Asami (瀬戸麻沙美) , Kayano Ai (茅野愛衣) .

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2024-05-06 12:04:43 +0900