Four Seasons

four seasons
Binzume Yousei (瓶詰妖精) bottle fairy

released 2003.12.28
3000 yen

This CD contains the opening song, character songs, and some BGM for the TV anime Binzume Yousei (Bottle Fairy) .

The tracks are as follows.

  1. 教えてせんせいさん (Bottle Fairy)
  2. 春爛漫
  3. 観覧車 (水樹奈々 [Mizuki Nana])
  4. くるるのテーマ
  5. 春日和
  6. 春唄〜くるる〜 (水樹奈々 [Mizuki Nana])
  7. 夏真っ盛り
  8. 白い花 (名塚佳織 [Nazuka Kaori])
  9. ちりりのテーマ
  10. ひと夏の思い出
  11. 夏唄〜ちりり〜 (名塚佳織 [Nazuka Kaori])
  12. スポーツの秋
  13. ビー玉の月 (堀江由衣 [Horie Yui])
  14. さららのテーマ
  15. 秋の夜長
  16. 秋唄〜さらら〜 (堀江由衣 [Horie Yui])
  17. 冬ごもり
  18. 夕焼け列車 (野中藍 [Nonaka Ai])
  19. ほろろのテーマ
  20. 迎春
  21. 冬唄〜ほろろ〜 (野中藍 [Nonaka Ai])
  22. 妖精魔法
  23. くさちほのテーマ
  24. 四季唄〜瓶詰妖精〜 (Bottle Fairy)
The first track "Oshiete Sensei-san" is the short version (around 1:15). All of the character songs (tracks 3, 8, 13, 18) are full length versions, and all of the seasonal songs are short songs. The songs are sung by the character seiyuu: Mizuki Nana (水樹奈々) , Nazuka Kaori, Horie Yui (堀江由衣) , Nonaka Ai (野中藍) .

The lyrics sheets are illustration sheets with the picture of the character on one side, and the lyrics on the other. There is one sheet for each character. The character picture is the same as the cover of the CD.

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