Scandalous Actor Performance

Scandalous Actor Performance

Animate Film Inc., AFCP-2002
released 1995.06.21
3000 yen
approximately 41 minutes

This CD contains many tracks of short audio drama.

The tracks are as follows.

  1. 旅の男I (Travels of Man Part I)
  2. 駅前アナウンス (Announcements in Front of Station)
  3. アワビさんI (Awabi-san Part I)
  4. だせいやつらI (Dasei Guys Part I)
  5. ケーブルTV教養講座・国語 (Cable TV Culture Lecture - National Language)
  6. ケーブルTV超短縮ドラマ (Cable TV Ultra-Short Wave Drama)
  7. 旅の男II (Travels of Man Part II)
  8. 美少女声優戦士テイク3 (Beautiful Girl Voice Actress Soldiers Take 3)
  9. 破滅の瞬間I (Catastophic Moment Part I)
  10. 破滅の瞬間II (Catastophic Moment Part II)
  11. 破滅の瞬間III (Catastophic Moment Part III)
  12. 破滅の瞬間IV (Catastophic Moment Part IV)
  13. 破滅の瞬間V (Catastophic Moment Part V)
  14. コンビニの異変 (Convenience Store Accident)
  15. 少年のプライド (Boy's Pride)
  16. 悩めるセンタイ (Beleaguered Squadron)
  17. 美少女声優戦士テイク3 (Beautiful Girl Voice Actress Soldiers Take 3)
  18. 古老の昔話 (Old Man's Tale)
  19. 今から見せに行きます (From Now On I Will Go to Show)
  20. 四角いジャングル (Square Jungle)
  21. いいもの見つけまーした (Good Thing I Discovered)
  22. だせいやつらII (Dasei Guys Part II)
  23. アワビさんII (Awabi-san Part II)
  24. 原因と結果 (Cause and Effect)
  25. 桃山源次郎再び (Momoyama Genjirou Again)
  26. ジョーが行く (Joe Goes)
  27. 罪と罰I (Crime and Punishment Part I)
  28. 罪と罰II (Crime and Punishment Part II)
  29. 美少女声優戦士テイク3 (Beautiful Girl Voice Actress Soldiers Take 3)
  30. 旅の男III (Travels of Man Part III)
  31. 駅前アナウンス (Announcements in Front of Station)
  32. 旅の男IV (Travels of Man Part IV)
The seiyuu participating in this CD are as follows.
Matsumoto Yasunori (松本保典) , Okiayu Ryoutarou (置鮎龍太郎) , Sakurai Tomo (桜井智) , Nagashima Yuko (永島由子) , Matsui Naoko (松井菜桜子) , Midorikawa Hikaru (緑川光) , Takagi Wataru (高木渉) , Iwanaga Tetsuya (岩永哲哉) , Hiyama Nobuyuki (檜山修之) , Yajima Akiko (矢島晶子) .

Sakurai Tomo appears on tracks 8, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23 and 29.

[information provided by Gary L. Blickhan]

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2024-04-28 05:34:33 +0900