Angel Book 1

Angel Book 1

released 2009.06.05
2000 yen

This CD is a collection CD of theme songs from various adult PC games.

The tracks are as follows.

  1. Isshou Koi Shiteru (一生恋してる) [Nakayama Mami]
  2. Ganbacchaimasu, Hai. (頑張っちゃいます、はい。) [Nakayama Mami]
  3. MISS YOU [Milk Kurumi]
  4. Eien no Kiseki (永遠の奇跡) [kala]
  5. Tobira -Asu he no Chizu- (トビラ〜明日への地図〜) [Sizuku]
  6. Datte Fall in LOVE (だってふぉ〜りんLOVE) [Nakayama Mami]
  7. INNOCENT [Milk Kurumi]
  8. exchange [Nakayama Mami]
  9. Fuuka Setsugetsu (風花雪月) [Sakakibara Yui]
  10. Pinch to Chance (ピンチとチャンス) [Nakayama Mami]
Songs by Sakakibara Yui (榊原ゆい) and others.

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2024-05-20 07:29:00 +0900