Angel Note Venus Voice

Angel Note Venus Voice -Best Collection Volume 9

released 2013.03.29
3000 yen

This CD is a collection CD of theme songs from various adult PC games.

The tracks are as follows.

  1. Knowing [真里歌]
  2. 未来への一歩 [民安☆ROCK]
  3. 光臨!大天使ラビエル☆ [なかせひな]
  4. はっぴぃなんだからいいじゃん [西野みく]
  5. Sweet Love [tohko]
  6. 紅舞 [佐藤ひろ美]
  7. 故郷 [kicco]
  8. Scarlet [Sakakibara Yui]
  10. 約束 [Rita]
  11. Le Conseil [tohko]
  12. You & ME = Happy! [Sakakibara Yui]
  13. 描いてた夢 [柚木ちな]
  14. 新しい調べ [中山マミ]
  15. 夕焼けのマージナル [Riryka]
  16. Guiding Star [夏希美羽]
Songs by Sakakibara Yui (榊原ゆい) and others.

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2024-05-01 12:43:21 +0900