Kaze wo Atsumete

Kaze wo Atsumete
Brave My Heart

released 2009.11.25
1890 yen

This CD+DVD package contains the Ragnarok Online 7th Anniversary Songs.

This is the third single by Sphere (スフィア) .

The tracks are as follows.

  1. Kaze wo Atsumete (風をあつめて)
  2. Brave my heart
  3. Kaze wo Atsumete (off vocal)
  4. Brave my heart (off vocal)
Songs by the seiyuu group Sphere (スフィア) , made up of Kotobuki Minako (寿美菜子) , Takagaki Ayahi (高垣彩陽) , Tomatsu Haruka (戸松遥) , Toyosaki Aki (豊崎愛生) .

The DVD contains a promo video of "Kaze wo Atsumete", which is in wide format (16:9).

This is Sphere's best promo video so far, with many closeups of the girls, wearing "normal" clothes (non-stage outfits). They don't wear the jacket photo outfits in the video.

[Sphere CDs]

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2024-05-17 20:40:49 +0900