Happiness Sensation

Happiness Sensation (Ogura Yui)

released 2020.06.10
1200 yen+tax

This CD contains the ending song for the TV anime Shadowverse (シャドウバース).

The tracks are as follows.

  1. ハピネス*センセーション
  2. Look@Me?
  3. 瞳の国のアリス -Dance Music Edition-
  4. ハピネス*センセーション (off vocal version)
  5. Look@Me? (off vocal version)
  6. 瞳の国のアリス -Dance Music Edition- (off vocal version)
Songs by Ogura Yui (小倉唯) .
This is Yui's 12th solo single.

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2024-05-01 21:40:10 +0900