Natsu no Yakusoku

Natsu no Yakusoku (Horie Yui)

released 2012.07.25
1890 yen

This CD+DVD package contains a solo single by Horie Yui (堀江由衣) .

The CD tracks are as follows.

  1. Natsu no Yakusoku (夏の約束)
  2. Hare no Hi Gensoukyoku (ハレノヒ幻想曲)
  3. Natsu no Yakusoku off vocal ver.
  4. Hare no Hi Gensoukyoku off vocal ver.

"Natsu no Yakusoku" is the ending song to the TV anime Dog Days (second season) .

The DVD contains a promo video of "Natsu no Yakusoku", in 16:9 format.

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