Iwao Junko ColleCarA

The set of Iwao Junko (岩男潤子) cards went on sale in July of 1998.

There are 93 cards in the set (90 normal cards and 3 special cards). The normal cards are broken up into 10 sets of 9 cards each (so it fits nicely in a 9 card per page card holder). The cards are numbered by entire collection, 1 to 90.

The SP cards are thick, 3D cards.

The 10 sets are as follows.

Natural Junko wearing a red flower one piece, hair normal
Tokimeki Junko with her hair up, sepia tint pictures
Modern Junko wearing white sweater, white long pants
Illusion Junko with her hair in two "towers"
Fantasy Junko wearing a blue dress
Illustration some illustrations, stick figures, by Junko
Live document #1 (rehearsal) Shibuya Koukaidou concert
Live document #2 (first set) Shibuya Koukaidou concert
Live document #3 (second set) Shibuya Koukaidou concert
Live document #4 (final stage) Shibuya Koukaidou concert

With two boxes (30 packs of 7 cards) and a little bit of trading, I got 83 out of 90 normal cards. There were many, many duplicates. (;_;)

[ColleCarA seiyuu trading cards]

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2024-05-21 04:15:54 +0900