Oshiete Maiko-sensei 8

title Oshiete Maiko-sensei 8
date/time 2020 09.23
broadcast niconico
host Nomura Maiko (野村麻衣子)
guest Shinoda Minami (篠田みなみ)

This was the 8th broadcast of Oshiete Maiko-sensei by Nomura Maiko. The guest was Shinoda Minami.

Maiko and Minami were both in Tokyo 7th Sisters, but they were in different groups. So they haven't talked that much before.

Both Maiko and Minami lived in a foreign country when they were little. But they both said couldn't speak English well. Maiko was in New York from age 2 to 7. Minami was in Singapore from second grade to fourth grade. But Minami went to a Japanese school, so she didn't have to speak English. Maiko said she went to normal school on the weekdays, and Japanese school on the weekends.

Next Maiko and Minami took a quiz on old internet slang words. They did pretty well.

In the members only part, Maiko played piano and sang "Sweet Memories". Then Minami sang "Cherry" while Maiko played the piano.

[Maiko-sensei broadcasts]

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2024-05-20 13:35:26 +0900