Oshiete Maiko-sensei 12

title Oshiete Maiko-sensei 12
date/time 2021 04.23
broadcast niconico
host Nomura Maiko (野村麻衣子)
guest Honizumi Rina

This was the 12th broadcast of Oshiete Maiko-sensei by Nomura Maiko. The guest was Honizumi Rina.

They read some haiku poems, and tried to make some of their own.

In Rina's corner, Rina taught Maiko how to play ping pong. They played together a little bit. Then Rina had Maiko try to hit a pet bottle at the edge of the ping pong table. After a few tries, Maiko was able to hit it!

In the members only section, Maiko played guitar and sang "Let It Be". She also played the piano for Rina to sing "Sekai de Ichiban Atsui Natsu".

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2024-05-20 11:54:39 +0900