Oshiete Maiko-sensei 14

title Oshiete Maiko-sensei 14
date/time 2021 09.21
broadcast niconico
host Nomura Maiko (野村麻衣子)
guest Takai Maika

This was the 14th broadcast of Oshiete Maiko-sensei by Nomura Maiko. The guest was Takai Maika.

Maika was also in Tokyo 7th Sisters, but Maiko and Maika haven't talked that much before. Maika also plays guitar (for fun), so she will play with Maiko in the song part.

Maika said she writes songs, using her acoustic guitar, but when she tries to play the final song, she can't play it herself.

In Maika's corner, they did a quiz about Gundam. Maika liked Gundam a lot and was an expert, but Maiko didn't know anything about Gundam.

Maiko will have a special birthday broadcast on 10/2.

In the members only section, Maiko sang "One More Time One More Chance" while playing the piano. Then Maiko and Maika both played their guitars and sang "First Goodbye".

[Maiko-sensei broadcasts]

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2024-05-20 12:20:10 +0900