Oshiete Maiko-sensei 25

title Oshiete Maiko-sensei 25
date/time 2022 11.28
broadcast niconico
host Nomura Maiko (野村麻衣子)
guest Asaka (anime song singer)

This was broadcast 25 of Oshiete Maiko-sensei by Nomura Maiko. The guest was singer Asaka.

The Tokyo 7th Sisters live just took place, and Maiko performed as the group Queen of Purple.

Maiko and Asaki met for the first time today. But Maiko said that she went to see Asaka's concert in Yokohama this year.

Both Asaka and Maiko lived in the US when they were little. Maiko lived in New York, and Asaka lived in Michigan.

The first period was music, and they talked about various songs.

The second period was science, and they played a horse racing board game. Asaka was a big fan of horse racing.

In the music corner, Maiko played the guitar and sang "Seize the Day", which was one of Asaka's songs. Then Maiko played the piano and Asaka sang "My Heart Will Go On".

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2024-06-01 01:13:01 +0900