Oshiete Maiko-sensei Birthday Special

title Oshiete Maiko-sensei Birthday Special
date/time 2021 10.02
broadcast niconico
host Nomura Maiko (野村麻衣子)

This was a birthday special broadcast of Oshiete Maiko-sensei by Nomura Maiko. It was Maiko's 26th birthday.

In last year's birthday broadcast , Maiko made a cake in a kitchen studio.

This year, she was in a music studio, and it was a broadcast with lots of songs and instruments. In addition to the piano and guitar, Maiko also played the drums. She said she started going to a drums school near her house.

The songs were as follows.

song Maiko
Sayonara no Natsu sang while playing piano
Feel my Soul sang while playing guitar, sitting on the floor
Sukida sang to karaoke
Sweet 19 Blues sang to karaoke
God Knows just played the drums, didn't sing

Maiko also mixed in a lot of talk by reading comments and mails. She also got a birthday cake.

At the end, Maiko got a red stage outfit as a surprise gift.

[Maiko-sensei broadcasts]

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2024-05-20 14:00:48 +0900