Maiko-sensei no Shuumatsu Game Jikkyou 6

title Maiko-sensei no Shuumatsu Game Jikkyou 6
date/time 2021 04.24
broadcast niconico
cost 1650 yen (members)
host Nomura Maiko (野村麻衣子)
guest Tanaka Minami (田中美海)

This was the 6th broadcast of Maiko-sensei's game show by Nomura Maiko. The guest was Tanaka Minami.

The games they played were Emily wants to Play, Untitled Geese Game, and Heave Ho.

Since Emily wants to Play was a horror game, Maiko got very scared. She even hid behind a blanket and couldn't look at the screen.

[Maiko-sensei broadcasts]

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2024-05-20 13:38:51 +0900