8 Beat Story News 84

title 8 Beat Story News 84
date/time 2022 10.27
broadcast niconico
archive members only
seiyuu Tanaka Minami (田中美海)
Suganuma Chisa (菅沼千紗)

This was the 84th broadcast of 8 Beat Story News. The hosts were Tanaka Minami and Suganuma Chisa.

Minami and Chisa were dressed up for Halloween. They had eye masks and costumes. But they quickly took off the masks, and did the show with just their costumes. Minami was a vampire, and Chisa was a zombie. Chisa had skeleton tights and gloves.

They played a quiz game, read some mails, gave out some new information, and played a challenge game at the end.

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2024-05-21 03:07:41 +0900