Maiko-sensei no Okashizukuri Kyoushitsu 6

title Maiko-sensei no Okashizukuri Kyoushitsu 6
date/time 2023 03.24
broadcast niconico
host Nomura Maiko (野村麻衣子)
guest Iwata Haruki (岩田陽葵)

This was the 6th broadcast of Maiko-sensei no Okashizukuri Kyoushitsu by Nomura Maiko. The guest was Iwata Haruki.

The previous broadcast of Okashizukuri was almost 2 years ago, in June 2021.

Maiko and Haruki met for the first time today. Haruki used to say that she likes to make okashi, but she said hasn't cooked much recently.

In this broadcast, they made daquois, a layered cake dessert.

They cooked while looking at a recipe that Maiko found on the net. Haruki did most of the work, while Maiko gave the directions.

They finished cooking during the members only broadcast, and ate the dessert with some tea.

Haruki showed the latest harmoe album, "Villans Impress" which went on sale this month.

The next broadcast of Maiko-sensei will be on 4/14, and the guest will be Aoyama Yoshino. Then the broadcast after that will be on 5/8, and the guest will be Amami Yurina, who Maiko had not met before.

Maiko said that the Maisen Music Fes 2023 will take place on two weekends, 9/2-9/3 and 9/9-9/10, at Kenmin Kyousai Mirai Hall in Yokohama. There will be 20 seiyuu guests over 8 sessions.

[Maiko-sensei broadcasts]

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2024-05-18 15:13:21 +0900