Seishun Butayarou Gekijou Koukaimae Tokuban

title Seishun Butayarou Gekijou Koukaimae Tokubetsu Bangumi
date/time 2019 04.20
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Ishikawa Kaito
Seto Asami (瀬戸麻沙美)
Minase Inori (水瀬いのり)

This was a special live broadcast for the upcoming anime movie for Seishun Butayarou ha Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai. The seiyuu participants were Ishikawa Kaito, Seto Asami, and Minase Inori.

The first part was a review of the TV anime. Then they talked about the upcoming movie, which will start on 6/15. They also gave lots of information about the new movie goods.

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2024-05-12 17:09:25 +0900