Kanojo Okari Shimasu 3 Saishuukai Talk Show Live

title Kanojo Okari Shimasu Dai 3 Ki Saishuukai Talk Show Live
date/time 2023 09.23 19:00-
broadcast youtube
seiyuu Horie Shun
Amamiya Sora (雨宮天)
Touyama Nao (東山奈央)

This was a live broadcast of an event for the TV anime Kanojo Okari Shimasu (彼女、お借りします). The seiyuu guests were Horie Shun, Amamiya Sora, and Touyama Nao.

Shun only participated in the first 30 minutes of the event.

The youtube broadcast covered only the first hour of the event.

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2024-05-20 15:22:54 +0900