Slow Start Cast Tsuika Special

title Slow Start -Slow ni Hajimeru namahousou- Cast Tuika Special
date/time 2017 11.24
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Kondou Reina (近藤玲奈)
Itou Ayasa (伊藤彩沙)
Mineuchi Tomomi (嶺内ともみ)
Naganawa Maria (長縄まりあ)
guests Ichimichi Mao (市道真央)
Numakura Manami (沼倉愛美)
video Uchida Maaya (内田真礼)

This was a live broadcast for the TV anime Slow Start, which will be broadcast next year.

The regular seiyuu for the Slow Start broadcasts were Kondou Reina, Itou Ayasa, Mineuchi Tomomi, and Naganawa Maria.

Ayasa had injured her ankle recently, so she stayed in her seat the whole time. The others stood up and moved around for some games during the broadcast.

They announced three additional cast members in this broadcast. They showed a promo video of the character, then the seiyuu appeared. The new seiyuu announced were Mao, Numakura Manami, and Uchida Maaya. Mao and Manami appeared live, but Maaya just had a video message (of around 2 minutes).

The opening song will be sung by the four main seiyuu, as the group StarTails.

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2024-05-20 12:41:18 +0900