Ready Study Go! 5

title Bokutachi ha Benkyou ga Dekinai niconama tokuban
Ready Study Go! 5
date/time 2019 08.21
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Shiraishi Haruka (白石晴香)
Tomita Miyu (富田美憂)
Suzushiro Sayumi

This was a live broadcast for the TV anime Bokutachi ha Benkyou ga Dekinai. This was a broadcast of a public recoding event.

The three seiyuu were wearing new white outfits instead of the usual school outfits.

They showed a short promo video for the upcoming second season TV anime. The characters were wearing the same outfits as the seiyuu.

Then they played some of the songs, and taught some of the dances and movements for the songs, in preparation for the upcoming live.

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2024-05-20 11:56:34 +0900