Teppen Waiwai Sou 16

title Teppen Waiwai Sou 16
date/time 2022 06.15
broadcast youtube
seiyuu Itou Ayasa (伊藤彩沙)
Sasaki Mikoi (佐々木未来)
Suzuki Aina (鈴木愛奈)

This was the 16th broadcast for the TV anime Teppen. The hosts were Itou Ayasa and Sasaki Mikoi. The guest was Suzuki Aina.

Aina was the last of one of the main seiyuu to come as a guest.

After introducing Aina's character, they played a seiyuu card game.

The Teppen TV anime will start on 7/2, and they showed a new promo video of the anime.


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2024-05-20 18:30:44 +0900