Yuusha ga Shinda Housou Chokuzen

title Yuusha ga Shinda Housou Chokuzen Namahousou
date/time 2023 04.06 19:30-
broadcast youtube
seiyuu Taketatsu Ayana (竹達彩奈)
Yamamura Hibiku
Kubo Yurika (久保ユリカ)
Shinfuku Sakura

This was a live broadcast by the seiyuu of the upcoming TV anime Yuusha ga Shinda (勇者が死んだ) . The hosts were Taketatsu Ayana, Yamamura Hibiku, Kubo Yurika, and Shinfuku Sakura.

They introduced the story and characters.

The main cast was as follows.

character seiyuu
Touka Scott Katou Wataru
Touka Scott Toki Shunichi
Sion Breydan Toki Shunichi
Anri Hazeworth Taketatsu Ayana
Yuna Yunis Yamamura Hibiku
Marguerite Farom Kubo Yurika
Milly Yunis Shinfuku Sakura

The ending song was sung by Yurika, Kawaikutte Ijiwaru Shichau (可愛くって意地悪しちゃう) , and it will go on sale 5/24.

Then the seiyuu played a couple quiz games, and at the end they got a cake as a prize.

The Yuusha ga Shinda TV anime starts on 4/6, late night Tokyo MX and other stations.

The they showed some of the goods.

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2024-05-20 10:31:44 +0900