Taketatsu Ayana TV 6

title Taketatsu Ayana TV 6
date 2017 09.13 21:00-22:00
cost free + members only
host Taketatsu Ayana (竹達彩奈)
assistants Sasaki Hitomi
Uchida Shuu (内田秀)
Amako Junna

This was the 6th broadcast for Ayana TV.

At the beginning of the broadcast, Ayana said she had just eaten, so she was very sleepy.

Ayana said that the Petit Milady 4th album will go on sale next week.

In the members only part, the three assistants showed Ayana a selfie, and Ayana had to guess what situation it was. Ayana didn't get any of them perfect, but she had to choose one she like the most. She chose the one by Junna (a selfie with a pocky). So Junna's prize was that she can get a selfie taken with Ayana. There also happened to be some pocky in the studio, so Ayana and Junna took the selfie with the pocky.

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2024-05-19 18:01:08 +0900